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Westside Drive repaving to cost $82,227

In a second public hearing prior to the Mahoning Township's supervisor's meeting, Carbon County Director of Community and Economic Development Judy Borger informed the supervisors their project to reconstruct and repave a portion of Westside Drive for a total of $82,227 comprised of $67,427 to cover the project and $14,800 to pay for administrative fees.

"The period for public comment is open and we will be accepting comments on this project starting tonight and for the next two weeks at our office. After that we will be preparing and submitting our application for the county [for the CDBG funds to the state]," said Borger.Borger told the supervisors that a portion of Westside Drive will be covered by the project funding, but there could be an issue with the corner of that block due to the physician's office building. She told them she would have to see how the state approves the grant. If they won't cover that part of the drive, they will need to move the project area up the street further.Chairperson John Wieczorek asked about Beaver Street and that repaving project. Borger said before they could determine that a door-to-door survey would need to be completed to determine income levels.Supervisor Bruce Steigerwalt asked Borger when the county expected to have new maps updated with the 2010 census data."I don't know yet, but I keep asking. I am hoping that we would have them by the end of the year," she answered. She told Steigerwalt that during the determination process she discussed with the state what data should be used to complete the applications since all they had available was 2000 Census data. The state told her to use that data until the new data was released.There was no other public comment, so Borger adjourned the hearing.