Published December 22. 2016 02:46PM
The late Harold "Hal" Boyer was recently recognized for his commitment to Tamaqua Area High School athletics. Boyer, who died this past May at the age of 90, was a longtime seventh-grade teacher, athletic director, boys basketball coach, Tamaqua sports statistician, game worker and a huge fan. One of his proudest moments was when the Tamaqua Girls Basketball team won the 1977-78 PIAA State Championship with his daughter, Jane, as a member of the team. With great pride, he was also able to watch two of his granddaughters pursue basketball throughout their high school years. The Boyer family received basketballs, signed by members of the boys and girls basketball teams, during a presentation attended, from left, by Erika Barron, head Tamaqua Girls Basketball coach; Hannah Reagan, Jane Boyer Reagan, Bob Reagan, Erin Reagan and Lewis Erbe, all members of Boyer's family; and Jim Barron, head coach of the Tamaqua Boys Basketball team. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO