Published March 30. 2012 05:01PM
The winners of two separate essay contests were honored at the meeting at Weatherly American Legion Post 360 this past Monday evening.
There were 12 winners of the 2012 Americanism Essay Contest on the subject "How can I show my patriotism to my community ?"They were Class I - Grades 3 and 4 : Luke Deer 1st place; Alexis Colecioi 2nd place; and Antonio Colecio 3rd place.Class II - Grades 5 and 6 : Kaileigh Barnes 1st place; Kathleen Graham 2nd place; Laila Panckeri 2nd place; Christopher Keller 3rd place; and Samantha Paisley 3rd place.Class III - Grades 7and 8 : Andrew Solonoski 1st place.Class V - Grades 11 and 12 : Erica Paluch 1st place; James Belletiere 2nd place; and Brad Keyser 3rd place.There was one winner of the American Legion Essay Contest on the subject "Should America's Presidential electoral process be changed ?"Jared Nyer placed first in the Post Competition and also placed second in the Carbon County Inter-Post Competition.
VICTOR IZZO/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS Jared Nyer, winner of the American Legion Essay Contest on the subject "Should America's Presidential electoral process be changed ?", is presented with a check for $50 for placing first in the Post Competition from Earl Drasher, Assistant Sgt. at Arms (left) and a check for $50 for placing second in the Carbon County Inter-Post Competition from Thomas Keener, Commander Weatherly American Legion Post 360.