Published March 23. 2017 12:42PM
U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) announced his decision today to vote "no" on the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court of the United States.
Casey said he has reviewed Gorsuch's record, met with Gorsuch and judicial experts, and reviewed his hours of testimony from his hearing.
"I have serious concerns about Judge Gorsuch's rigid and restrictive judicial philosophy, manifest in a number of opinions he has written on the 10th Circuit," Casey said.
It is a judicial philosophy that employs the narrowest possible reading of federal law and exercises extreme skepticism, even hostility, toward executive branch agencies. Judge Gorsuch opinions often reflect a commitment to satisfy his judicial philosophy more than to grapple with the complex circumstances faced by ordinary Americans.
"Disproportionately, powerful interests are the beneficiaries while workers, consumers and those with disabilities are the losers of this approach."
Casey cited a study published in the Minnesota Law Review in 2013 found that the four conservative justices currently sitting on the court, Justices Alito, Roberts, Thomas and Kennedy, are among the six most business-friendly Supreme Court justices since 1946.
"Judge Gorsuch's record indicates that he would only exacerbate this problem and further stack the deck against ordinary workers and families."