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Telethon sponsor

Members of the Lehigh Valley Health Network presents a check for $7,500 to Joe Krushinsky, chairman of the American Cancer Society telethon at Penn’s Peak on Sunday. The LVHN Cancer Institute, a member of the Sloan Kettering Cancer Alliance. was a principle sponsor of the 2019 telethon. From left are Robyn Plesniarski; Erin Ludwig, Director, Community Engagement, Marketing & Public Affairs, and Terry Purcell, Vice President, Market Development. MARTA GOUGER/TIMES NEWS

Members of the Lehigh Valley Health Network present a check for $7,500 to Joe Krushinsky, chairman of the American Cancer Society telethon at Penn’s Peak on Sunday. The LVHN Cancer Institute, a member of the Sloan Kettering Cancer Alliance, was a principal sponsor of the 2019 telethon. From left are Robyn Plesniarski, physician liaison for Lehigh Valley; Erin Ludwig, director, Community Engagement, Marketing & Public Affairs; Terry Purcell, vice president, Market Development; and Krushinsky. MARTA GOUGER/TIMES NEWS