Published October 29. 2011 09:01AM
Hundreds of youngsters attended the Tamaqua High School Leadership Council's 11th annual Safe Trick or Treat Night at the High School auditorium Thursday.
Participating school clubs were the Library Media Assistance Club which helped children create book marks; Biology Club which made gooey gak; National Honor Society which decorated trick or treat bags with the children; Tamaqua Area Student Government Association which created and decorated helium balloons with the kids; World Language Club which did face painting and had youngsters pin the tail on the bull; and cheerleaders who colored coloring books.Krystal Schmauch, adviser, Leadership Council, thanked the district and participating clubs."This yearly program is a great activity for the kids and keeps kids from going to strangers' homes or going out it the cold," said Schmauch
ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/TIMES NEWS Representing the Tamaqua Senior class Halloween mascot, and dressed as a French acrobat, Joey Minehan, 9, amazes everyone with a cartwheel into a back hand spring.