Published September 12. 2011 08:28AM
The Kibler School Committee and the Towamensing Township Historical Commission are holding a Good Old Days celebration on Saturday, Oct. 8, 1-3 p.m. at the school, 6495 Pohopoco Drive, Towamensing Township.
Former one-room school students who attended any of the nine schools in the township are invited to come to Kibler School and share their stories and memories.Volunteers will be on hand to record the information and ask an occasional question. We will have tables and chairs where the participants will be able to talk without distraction.Former students who have pictures, graduation booklets or report cards are urged to bring those along. They will be scanned or photographed on the spot and then immediately returned to the owners.If participants agree, they may be videotaped as they tell their stories. The purpose of the event is to compile a record of the day-to-day experiences of one-room school attendees for future historians and for descendants. Kibler already has a number of historical artifacts and records, but the committee thinks it is important to hear from as many people as possible.Cookies, cider and other light refreshments will be available. A large tent will be erected on the school grounds. The school will be open to the public and visitors can examine the recent repairs and the new paint job. There will be plenty of time to visit with old friends and classmates.Call the Towamensing Township office at 610-681-4202. There is no charge.Rain date is Sunday, Oct. 9, 1-3 p.m.