Published August 18. 2011 05:01PM
Right, Doug Atherton of Effort was one of the Celebrity Baggers at Kinsley's ShopRite 17th Annual Grocer's Fight Against Cancer Day and bagged groceries for Robert Wouters of Effort. Doug says that he is well aware of what the American Cancer Society does because his father battled cancer. "Kinsley's is great for donating out of their profits for this important research. I'm trying to do my good deed," says the Scoutmaster for Boy Scouts Troop 98, "just trying to do my duty at all times." Kinsley's and the Monroe County Unit of the American Cancer Society work together to increase awareness of cancer prevention and to raise money for cancer research, education, advocacy and patient services. Last year the Kinsley Family donated $15,000. Besides offering shoppers great sales, there was face painting, balloon animals and cookie decorating along with raffles, great food and live entertainment.