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Schuylkill crashes

State police at Schuylkill Haven reported on two crashes investigated by troopers that occurred on Thursday, Aug. 11, along Schuylkill County roads.

A two vehicle accident occurred about 11:02 a.m. along SR209, in Port Carbon. Troopers said Kenneth H. Heisler Jr., 54, of Tamauqa, was southbound in a 2002 Ford Focus while Joseph F. Lubinsky, 68, of New Philadelphia, was northbound in a 2001 Dodge Durango.Troopers said at a traffic light, both drivers had the green light, but Heisler failed to yield the right-of-way to Lubinsky and turned in front of him. The front end of the Focus hit the left front of the Durango.Lubinsky sustained a minor injury and was transported to the Schuylkill Medical Center-S. Jackson St., Pottsville. Troopers cited Heisler for a left turn violation.The second crash occurred about 6:38 p.m. at the intersection of Wild Cherry Lane and Fox Road, in Washington Township. Troopers said Ariel Rainbow, of Springfield, Va., was driving a 2005 Honda Pilot north on Fox Road while Stacey Brown, of Schuylkill Haven, was driving a 2003 Pontiac Bonneville east on Wild Cherry Lane.Troopers said Rainbow failed to stop for a posted stop sign and entered the intersection and her vehicle was struck in the left front by the right front of Brown's car.Two passengers with Rainbow, Caroline Jones, of Pine Grove, and Hannah Harvey, of Cedar Park, Tex., were injured and taken to the SMC-S. Jackson St. The two drivers were not hurt.Damages were termed major to both vehicles. Troopers said Rainbow was cited for the stop sign violation.