Panther Valley School Board
Panther Valley School Board handled a number of personnel issues and other business at its recent meeting.
The board accepted the resignation of Ann Marie Dixon, junior/senior high school teacher, effective Oct. 15.
The board also hired Debra Weaver as a paraprofessional at the elementary school and Jennifer Mattei as a paraprofessional at the intermediate school. Both are at $10 an hour per the current contract.
The board tabled hiring a special education learning support teacher at the high school.
Two junior/senior high school students were approved to take three credit courses, Amanda Brogan, ADHD: An Educator’s Guide, $90 a credit; and Jennifer Jones, Applying Brain Research to Literary, $516 a credit.
Conference attendance was approved for Mary Hoffman for Oct. 11 to 13 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, $899. Superintendent David McAndrew said she is presenting at the national conference on Closing the Gap and paying for her travel and lodging.
The board also posted the position of accounts payable/federal programs clerk, and revised the rate for special education summer help at the current of the paraprofessional contract.
Other business
The board approved:
• The Panther Valley Sports Medicine Emergency Action Plan.
• A $5 charge for vehicles to park behind the press box at the stadium for 2023-24.
• The Panther Valley Football Stadium to be used for district football playoff games at a cost of $2,996 per game for 2023-24.
• Reciprocal trade for broadcast rights with WMGH and WLSH for $250 for 2023-24.
• The junior/senior high school program of studies.
• Volunteers and chaperones, Andi Hoherchak, Fawn Mullin and Cory Nealis Sr.
• The following Act 80 days: Oct. 9, March 14 and May 3.
• Policy No. 249, Bullying/Cyberbullying. The policy must be reviewed and updated every three years, as required by the state. There were no changes.
• The teacher and paraprofessional assignment lists for 2023-24.
• The administration drawing up specifications for requests for proposals for secretaries and maintenance.