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Vacation Bible Schools

This month

• Lighthouse Baptist Church, 1349 Green St., Lehighton, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. July 19-22, and 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. July 23. Theme: Twists and Turns. Kids will play their way through VBS while learning that Jesus guides them through all the twists and turns of their lives. They’ll find that even when they mess up it’s never “game over.” VBS 2023 includes: games, snacks, worship time, Bible lessons and giveaways!

Inflatable Obstacle Course on Saturday Night. Register: https://bit.ly/44kQHzk

• People’s EC Church: 5-day Club/Vacation Bible School, July 17-21, 6 to 8 p.m., open to K-6th grade. No preregistration required. Contact Laura Coulson with any questions at 717-460-3494. The church is located at 216 Wagner St., Lehighton.

• St. Matthew’s Church, Kunkletown is hosting Hero Hotline VBS in the church grove July 17-21. VBS will be held daily from 9 a.m. to noon, and there is an optional field trip for families one afternoon. Open to students ages 3 to 12. Youth helpers ages 13 to 17 and adult leaders are invited to join the team. VBS includes Bible storytelling, crafts, science experiments, snacks, games, music, fellowship, mission project, and making new friends.

Contact Staci Gower at 610-283-4696 or stacigeorge0317@gmail.com to register your children or sign up to volunteer. All volunteers ages 18 and up must have their Pennsylvania background clearances. The grove address is 124 Picnic Lane, Kunkletown. Registration is capped at 48 students, so please register early to save your spot.

• Bethany Evangelical Congregational Church, 223 E. Broad St., Tamaqua. July 17-21, 6 to 8:30 p.m. Theme: “Life of Jesus.” Call 570-668-2520.

• St. Peter’s West Penn, 184 St. Peter’s Road, Tamaqua. July 17-21, 6 to 8:30 p.m. Theme: “Monumental: Celebrating God’s Greatness.” Call 570-573-1134.

• Our Lady Queen of Peace Church is accepting registrations for its Vacation Bible School which will be held from 9 a.m. to noon, July 24-28, under the banner of Rocky Railway Adventures. The theme is “Jesus’ Power Pulls us Through.”

For more information contact the church office. Registration is requested before July 17. There is a cost.

• Faithful Bible Investigators; Following Biblical Instruction, Vacation Bible School, July 24- 28, at 7 p.m. at Overcomers Holiness Church, 347 Lizard Creek Road, Andreas. For transportation call: 570-573-5533

Preregister by July 14. Call or text 570-573-5533. Get a head start by memorizing the books of the Bible.

• Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church and St. John’s Lutheran Church, located at 2915 Fireline Road in Palmerton, will host a joint Vacation Bible School at St. John’s from 6 to 8 p.m. July 31-Aug. 2. For ages 5 to beginning 6th grade in the fall. The theme is Pets Unleashed and registration is encouraged. VBS will include crafts, making new friends and more. Call St. John’s Lutheran Church office at 610-826-7766 to register.

• Heidelberg Union Church, Germansville, “Hero Hotline … Called together to serve God!” for ages 3 to 6th grade, July 24-July 28 from 5:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. Closing worship, 10 a.m. July 30. Register online: tinyurl.com/heidelbergvbs2023.


• Trinity Lutheran Church, 175 South 3rd St., Lehighton, will host Community Vacation Bible School Aug. 1-3 at 6 p.m. Call 610-377-4303. Youngsters in the community PreK - grade 6 are invited to participate. Preregister by calling church office 610-377-4303.

Theme: “Pets Unleashed: Where Jesus Cares Fur You” activities include theme games, Bible stories, & projects to show the point Jesus cares for all. Registration forms located in church narthex, or by calling the church office, or http://www.tlclehighton.com/. Registration is free. Volunteer opportunities for teens/adults available to help.

To have your Vacation Bible School listed, send details to tneditor@tnonline.com.