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Keep America great

Listen, even though both Article 1 and Article 2 of impeachment were just adopted, I have full confidence that the Senate will stop this nonsense. This impeachment does not remove him from office. That will be decided again by the United States Senate, which by the way is all Republicans (I believe). I’m going to say something that will piss off the Democrats on my Facebook, but Donald J. Trump is our president, and he will be today and tomorrow.

He will NOT be removed from office and will win in 2020 and have another four years in office. Everything he said he’d do campaigning in 2016 he did. He followed his beliefs on immigration, increased the jobs in the U.S. and decreased unemployment. Donald Trump did nothing wrong, and there is no exact evidence of what the Democrats claim he has done.

I’m tired as a teenager of seeing the national government go to crap. I’m am tired of seeing the Democrats trying to run the United States that we built as a nation down to the ground. We built this nation together and now we have to defend it from the corruption of the liberalistic Democrats that this government contains inside.

If Trump is removed from office there WILL be a civil war, and Lord help me I will be the one to start it. Everyone needs to make a choice. Stand with the Republicans that actually care for America or stand with the corrupt Democrats.

Trump 2020. Let’s keep America great.

Nick Smith
