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Pleasant Valley hires assistant police chief

After filling the chief of police position for the Pleasant Valley School District in May, the school board approved the assistant chief of police position on Thursday night.

Brian Silliman has been approved as the new assistant chief of police to replace Robert Miller, who became the chief of police in May. Miller replaces Lynn Courtright, who retired.

Silliman’s new position will pay $70,000, and is effective July 1.

The school board also approved some changes to current assignments and resignations.

Michael McMullen, the assistant director of Special Education, which is an administrative position under Act 93, has now been assigned to the middle school as an emotional support teacher with a salary of $72,857. He had been promoted to the assistant director position in December after being a special education supervisor.

Elaine Cucci, a paraprofessional at the high school and the adviser of the Senior Class of 2023, has been assigned to the middle school as a paraprofessional. Cucci has also worked with high school students in the Animation Club.

The resignations include: Haydyn Borger, a substitute custodian; Cassandra Crawford, kindergarten teacher at PVES; Deborah Loughren, a music teacher at PVMS; Sarah Talianek, a school counselor at PVHS; and John Gilbert, social studies teacher at PVMS.

Both Loughren and Talianek joined the school district in 2022 for the 2022-2023 school year.

Loughren was hired in September after middle school music teachers Amy Hafferty and Carla Karpinski accepted the district’s retirement incentive in March of that year.

Similarly, Talianek was hired in July after PVHS guidance counselor Melissa Lambert also took the district’s retirement incentive.

Other personnel business

The school board approved these additional personnel items:

• Athletic volunteer - Rylee Mae Robinson, girls soccer;

• Change to current assignment - Louis Cannarella, custodian, from PVES to PVIS; Katherine Lees, custodian, PVIS to PVES; and Lucille Rhock, English as a second language, PVES to PVMS;

• Hiring of professional staff - Carley Hartzell, school counselor, PVES, Step 11: $76,157, replaced Sarah Adams;

• Hiring of support staff - Donna Lamb, custodian, PVIS and floater, $18.29 per hour, effective July 3;

• Hiring of summer computer technician - Patrick Soares, $11.47 per hour;

• Intramural advisers - girls lacrosse: Toni Bush; substitutes:

• Retirement - Mary Ubbens, substitute teacher;

• Supplemental contracts: athletic non-coaching - Carol Priebe, cross country varsity and junior high timer, winter ticket taker, girls soccer varsity and junior varsity score book, track and field varsity, junior varsity and junior high timer, and substitute; Paul Fenner, marching band equipment driver; Melissa Bruckman, girls volleyball varsity and junior varsity score book and substitute; event managers: Anne Morton and James Shopack, winter, $610.41; substitutes: Jaqueline Tortora, Erin Tortora, Perry Tortora, Ryan O’Keefe, Lorrie Anderson, Andrew Krock, Joseph Anderton, Anne Morton, Dana West, Jonathan Lopez, Tracy Pio, Michelle Albanese, Kelsey Tompkins, and James Shopack.