Opinion: State senator’s word of the month
Since state Sen. Rosemary Brown, R-Monroe, was elected to the upper house last November, her newsletter prologues have continued to fascinate me, because they start off with a positive word of the month. With it, she asks her constituents to consider the word’s definition, implications and how they might use it in a constructive way in their daily lives.
I have found this so refreshing, to have a legislator encourage her constituents to act proactively in thinking about how they interact with others, especially when today there are so many strident political differences of opinion.
The “District of Character,” as Brown refers to it, is an initiative she created to enhance character development and promote daily reminders for residents of the 40th Senatorial District about how they can create a stronger community through their actions. “No one is perfect, but we can always work to improve our character daily,” she writes in her newsletter.
Brown had previously served six two-year terms in the state House of Representatives. She said she started the “word of the month” several years into her House tenure.
There have been five such words so far during 2023, and all of them are strong reminders of how we should act toward one another in our politically charged world.
January’s and February’s word, for example, was “respect” - due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights or traditions of others. Her observation: “You must always display respect if you expect to receive and gain respect. It doesn’t just go one way.”
Brown said that she is saddened by the contentious political atmosphere which has taken hold in recent years and said she wanted to acknowledge that there are still really good people who want to be a part of the solution, not the problem.
She said the idea of the District of Character evolved from thinking about a possible county of character and said that this is still a possibility in the future. In addition to promoting the “word of the month” in her newsletter, it is also sent to area businesses where it is often posted on the front door as a constant reminder for customers and employees.
Brown said most of the words are chosen by her, but sometimes by her staff in which case she signs off on them. Since the program has been going on for about eight years, some of the words are repeated. Two that she is really emphatic about are “respect” and “kindness.”
Brown admits that she can’t legislate for the world, but she is confident that in her district she can make a difference even with this simple and positive program which has brought applause and thanks from her constituents because of its feel-good qualities.
Here are the other four words so far this year:
March - Responsibility - basing decisions on practical wisdom and good sense, being dependable in carrying out commitments and duties and being accountable for your words, behavior and actions. Her advice: “Think before you act, finish what you begin, take responsibility for yourself.”
April - Compassion - showing concern or sympathy for others. Her advice: “Always put yourself in the other person’s situation and open your heart.”
May - Kindness - recognizing that relationships are core to whom we are becoming; this includes being tender, courteous, helpful, forgiving and compassionate. Her advice: “It’s simple to be nice.”
June - Patience - the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset. Her advice: “Take a deep breath and be kind.”
By BRUCE FRASSINELLI| tneditor@tnonline.com
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