Slatington mayor praises borough’s police chief
Slatington Mayor Jeralyn Schoch offered her thanks to police Chief Greg Winokur at the council meeting this week.
“Chief Winokur, I just wanted to say thank you for all you’re doing in our community. It’s been a great pleasure working with you so far,” Schoch said. “I think our community members are happy with how far you’ve come already. They’re very happy with seeing the officers out and about and getting involved in community activities. I just wanted to say thank you for all that you’re doing here.”
Her remarks were met with a round of applause.
Police report for May, comparing May 2023 to May 2022.
Total incidents: 355 in 2023, 348 in 2022.
Filed reports: 253 in 2023, 234 in 2022.
Criminal arrests: 9 in 2023, 4 in 2022.
Citations: 35 in 2023, 29 in 2022.
Parking tickets: 42 in 2023, 41 in 2022.
Other business
• Slatington received a notice from state Sen. Jarrett Coleman that the borough was awarded an LSA grant for $56,000 for stormwater improvements in northern Slatington. The original application was for $60,000.
• Motion was made to accept Resolution R-05-23, a resolution designating additional fire department policies regarding youth attendance and conduct at a firehouse and conduct on calls at training sessions. Slatington resident Kris Burek had voiced concern that the resolution could not be passed without it having been presented to the public and advertised before the vote. Council members disagreed, and borough solicitor Lisa Young gave approval for the vote. The resolution was passed.
• A motion was passed to approve payment in the amount of $106,999.30 to Bruce George Paving for the Slate Heritage Trail project.
• A motion was passed authorizing the use of COVID-19 relief funds to pay for Northern Lehigh Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan Intermunicipal Cooperative Implementation Agreement in the amount of $5,007.
• A motion was made to accept three bids for a roofing project for the Slatington Borough Hall from Paul Wright Roofing, AJ Kerekes Roofing, and Joel R. Alpha Home Improvements. A second motion was made awarding the lowest bid of $16,500 to AJ Kerekes Roofing.
• A motion was passed to appoint Dan Stevens as a delegate and Ron Kratz as an alternate delegate to the Lehigh Tax Collection Committee.