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Boundary line disputes net citations

State police at the Fern Ridge barracks cited David Gavinovich, 43, and Gavin Gutierrez, 45, both of Effort, with harassment after they were called to a neighbor dispute at 2:59 p.m. June 6 on the 1000 block of Shogun Drive, Chestnuthill Township.

Police said they were involved in an argument over a property line issue. They said one of the men removed two recently-placed property markers at the site.

In a separate report, police said they cited a 58-year-old woman and a 35-year-old man, both from Albrightsville, for harassment after a second property line dispute.

This one happened at 4:51 p.m. June 10 along Caedman Drive in Penn Forest Township, where the parties were involved in an argument and threatened to harm each other.