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Lehighton Borough Council

Lehighton Borough Council on a 6-0 vote took the following action on Monday:

• Awarded a bid in the amount of $25,978 for utility poles to Brown Wood Preserving Company.

• Agreed to spend $7,200 to repair Otis Elevator at the Annex building.

• Ratified former borough police officer Trevin Green’s resignation letter.

• Approved the police civil service eligibility list.

• Adopted a resolution amending the fee schedule to include Horse Drawn Carriage fees.

• Agreed to have borough engineer Remington Vernick prepare bid specs for the recreation center roof replacement.

• Approved the resurfacing of N. Centre Alley between Ochre and Carbon Street, and Cypress Street between Eighth and Ninth Street.

• Appointed Caleb Carpenter to the Shade Tree Commission.

• Approved the additional list of Baer Memorial Pool employees for the 2023 season.

• Approved the request from Blocker’s Collision Center to hold a car show from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Aug. 5. As part of that, council agreed to close up Seventh Street up to Kings Alley.

• Approved a request to close borough hall Dec. 22, Dec. 26, and Dec. 29 for the holidays (vacation time will be used for those days).

- Terry Ahner