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Concert to raise funds for animal center

Spring has sprung and the Pocono Wildlife Rehab Center is inundated with orphaned baby wildlife.

In addition to the wildlife the rehab center is already taking care of, it now has baby possums, three black bear cubs, two fawns, several raccoon babies, plus fox pups and several species of baby birds that all require constant care.

This past October Janine Tancredi and Susan Downing took over as co-directors of the center with high hopes and plans to upgrade the facility and hire more employees.

The center covers nine counties and the small staff works around the clock to help injured wildlife.

Since the current directors took over it’s been one obstacle after another with septic issues, an oil spill, electrical malfunctions, as well as a leaking roof and caging/housing modifications.

Because of the demand for animals that need rehabilitation, they need to hire more staff and volunteers that can be trained to help care for the wild life patients.

“The animals didn’t ask to be here, most of our patients are injured at the paws of a domestic pet, a motor vehicle, or someone trapping in resulting in moms and babies being separated, or abandoned,” Downing said.

The Sherman Theater is hosting a concert at 7 p.m. on the SummerStage, 648 Route 115 in Saylorsburg on Wednesday, June 7 to raise funds to benefit the center.

Featured performers are the River of Dreams band, a tribute to Billy Joel with special guest Avi Wisnia. For each ticket purchased in advance at ShermanTheater.com using the promo code WILDLIFE, the theater will donate $5 to the cause.

“The Wilderz at Pocono Wildlife provides humane care for injured, orphaned and sick wildlife for the purpose of returning them to the wild. In addition, we provide education and information to the public about wild natural resources in the Poconos and we depend on donations to continue our work,” said Downing.

If you cannot make the concert but still want to help you can contribute, go to: GoFundMe: Help Pocono Wildlife Rehab Center Stay Open.

If you want to be a corporate sponsor or Angel Donor, contact Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation phone (570) 402-0223.

Animal rehab center co-director Susan Downing takes time to make sure this young owl is doing well in its surrounding. AMY LEAP/TIMES NEWS
A fawn that was orphaned is safe and sound in her pen.
Orphaned baby bunnies snuggle together.