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Letter to the Editor: Lansford’s problems keep mounting

The recent photo and article in the Times News pertaining to the vandalism at the Lansford Pool was upsetting to see but, for me, very predictable. Over the last several years, I have, on many occasions, recommended and urged President Markovich to see about a security system for the pool and playground area. His reply was “Windstream is going to do it.” I heard that not once, but often. I realize that more than a security system is needed to avoid additional destruction, but it would be a beginning deterrent. The whole situation at the pool is distressing and should never have resulted in the present condition. Work was begun then stopped, begun again, equipment brought in to tear out the walkway to put in new skimmers, they could not be found. So, there it sits. I feel so bad for the women of the Friends of Recreation who have for years baked, made soup, sold chances, hoping someday to put their toes in the pool again. They certainly deserve it. Now, Mr. Markovich is blaming the feasibility study that was done in 2017 for the pool problems.

Oh, if the pool were the only problems in the borough! Not enough police to cover shifts. When asked by an attendee at a meeting why other communities are able to hire, Markovich replied, we spent hundreds of dollars advertising, but no one applies. Could it be the way the police are treated in Lansford. Hired code enforcement officers, directed to inspect large buildings, guess the rest of town can go to pot. Years and years and still no borough garage. New garage going to be built, was to be advertised. No specs shown yet. The pet project of Mr. Markovich, the train station. That Is a project that would be worthwhile and probably more acceptable to the taxpayers if ... there were not so many empty buildings on the main street, and if the problems noted previously were addressed and resolved.

Taxpayers the primary election is near, it would be good for the town if changes were made.

Rose Mary Cannon
