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Regency Plaza sale completed

Regency Plaza, on the corner of Route 209 and Weir Lake Road, has new owners.

At Tuesday night's meeting, attorney Joseph Hanyon, of Regency Plaza LLC, told Chestnuthill Township supervisors that the sale of the property was complete. Hanyon and Mohammad Mohammad, who also owns the Dunkin' Donuts adjacent to the Regency Plaza, formed the limited liability company Regency Plaza LLC to purchase the property. In September, the supervisors tabled taking a vote to resign property plans until after the sale was finished.The township had discovered that former owner Jerry Nardella had not recorded his land development plans for Regency Plaza. Last month, Hanyon and his business partner Mohammad asked the supervisors to resign Nardella's plans, so that they could get them recorded under new owners upon sale of the property. The supervisors tabled that vote, but said they would approve the resigning after the property sale was closed.With the sale complete, the supervisors expressed some concerns about the pavement being pockmarked with potholes. They recommended getting the pavement redone, as well as some landscaping. Hanyon agreed, saying that he also intends to have the septic system moved to the back lot. With the system moved, the land can be used for 25 more parking spots, he said."That would give you more types of uses," Supervisors' Chairman Chuck Gould said. The limited amount of parking restricted the types of businesses that could be moved into the storefronts.The plaza has 16,000 square feet of retail space. Of that, 8,800 square feet is not filled at this time, Hanyon said after the meeting. He and Mohammad intend to renovate the property to make it suitable for upscale businesses.Hanyon said there are businesses he's considering for the retail space, but it's premature to say what those might be. In the meantime, renovations have already begun."We started the day after closing," he said.Gary Migliaccio, of GM Home Improvement in Moscow, has been hired to oversee the work. In addition to landscaping and resurfacing of the parking lot, Hanyon also plans to add new lighting to the atrium and walkway areas and new signage.In other business, the supervisors approved hiring Dave Scheller as roadmaster. Scheller, the former assistant roadmaster, has been filling in for two and half months as roadmaster."He's done an excellent job so far," said Supervisors' Vice Chairman Chris Eckert.Former roadmaster Merton Whitney retired in September after 20 years in the position.Eckert also reported that Community Day on Sept. 21 was a success with 40 organizations and about 1,000 residents in attendance. The township budgeted $5,000 for the event, but spent about $3,800."We were well under budget," Eckert said. "All in all, it was a great day."Bernie Kozen, executive director of the West End Parks and Open Space Commission, said the Fleetwood 5K Trail Run/Walk, held in the morning on Community Day, was also a success.There were 250 participants, he said, and about $10,000 was raised for a scholarship named in honor of the late Dave Fleetwood, a Chestnuthill Township supervisor and Ross Township zoning officer who was killed in a shooting rampage at a Ross Township municipal meeting in 2013. The scholarship will go to a Pleasant Valley student who exemplifies Fleetwood's outstanding attributes.

Bob Ford/Times News Regency Plaza at the corner of Route 209 and Weir Lake Roadin Brodheadsville has new owners.