Published April 27. 2023 12:45PM
by james logue jr.
Christine Trovato, Facilitator of Special Education at Carbon Career & Technical Institute, addressed the Joint Operating Committee at its April 20 meeting.
CCTI hosted a Transition Fair for special education students that featured 23 agencies that helped students and their families in areas of education, training, employment, and independent living - 30 to 40 guests took part. Some of the organizations that participated included REDCO, St. Luke’s, Arc, CLIU21, Disability Rights of Pennsylvania, LCCC, and Job Corps.
Summer camps
Trovato told the committee about two summer camp programs at CCTI:
Math Camp will be from 9 a.m. to noon June 12-23 for students in grades 9 and 10.
Chemistry Camp will be from 9 a.m. to noon June 19-22.
Free transportation and snacks will be provided.
“It’s a fun way for students to retain those skills and concepts that they learned during the year,” Trovato said. “It will help them in their high school classes and in their technical fields.”
The CCTI Joint Operating Committee approved several motions regarding the camps:
• That Ashleigh Rehrig be approved as Non-Traditional Summer Camp instructors at an hourly rate of $30 and assistants at an hourly rate of $25
• That these individuals be approved as CCTI Summer Camp instructors at their current per diem rate as follows:
Diane Hyjurick, Math Instructor Math Camp.
Kevin Sowa, Math Instructor Math Camp.
Angela Sablich, Science Instructor Chemistry Camp.
Salaries for the camp will be paid with funding through the Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief Fund Grant.
• The three instructors were also approved for a total of 6 hours (each) to be utilized as needed for instructional preparation before and/or during summer camp.
• Hyjurick, Sowa, Sablich and Salvatore LoPresti, Math Camp, were also approved as summer camp van drivers at a rate of $25 per hour.