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Pa. officials stress workzone safety awareness

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, the Pennsylvania State Police, and Associated Pennsylvania Constructors are urging motorists to slow down and pay attention in work zones ahead of National Work Zone Awareness Week.

The week, which runs April 17-21, is designated to encourage safe driving through work zones. The theme of this year’s NWZAW is “You play a role in work zone safety. Work with us.”

“Safety is PennDOT’s most important priority,” said PennDOT Executive Deputy Secretary Cheryl Moon-Sirianni.

“Slow down and never drive distracted, especially in work zones where roadway conditions can change every day. Only by working together can we keep everyone safe.”

Since 1970, PennDOT has lost 90 workers in the line of duty. The PA Turnpike has lost 45 workers since 1940.

According to preliminary PennDOT data, in 2022 there were 1,293 work zone crashes, resulting in 14 fatalities.

In addition to crash data from police reports, PennDOT and the PA Turnpike monitor work zone safety with internal reports. In 2022, there were 171 reported intrusions in PennDOT work zones. Of those work zone intrusions, 13 resulted in injuries to PennDOT employees, 57 only caused damage to PennDOT equipment or vehicles, and 101 did not result in injury or damage but had the potential to do so. There were eight reported work zone intrusions in PA Turnpike work zones resulting in two injuries, while six only caused property damage.

Standing in front of roadway equipment with lost worker memorials surrounding him, PA Turnpike CEO Mark Compton referenced the equipment used to keep workers safe, “Behind me you see what our teams use to mitigate work zone accidents and keep our workers safe,” Compton said. “Tragically, in front of me and all around, you see the evidence that heavy equipment cannot fully protect our team members when drivers are not paying attention or choose to ignore roadway signage and warnings.”

Associated Pennsylvania Constructors Executive Vice President Robert Latham emphasized that highway workers risk their lives to maintain a roadway system that is safe for the motoring public in Pennsylvania and across the country. “The tragedy that occurred last month in our neighboring state of Maryland placed a national spotlight on just how dangerous it is for our highway workers to do their daily jobs,” said Latham. “We’re urging drivers to slow down and stay alert in work zones. Every worker deserves to go home.”

Cellphone use is not the only distraction while driving. Other common distractions include eating and drinking, reaching for objects inside the vehicle, changing settings in the vehicle, brushing hair or applying makeup, and over-engaging with passengers, to name a few.

Motorists caught by police driving 11 mph or more above the posted speed limit in an active work zone, or who are involved in a crash in an active work zone and are convicted of failing to drive at a safe speed, automatically lose their license for 15 days.

Additionally, fines for certain traffic violations - including speeding, driving under the influence, and failure to obey traffic devices - are doubled for active work zones. The law also provides for up to five years of additional jail time for individuals convicted of homicide by vehicle for a crash that occurred in an active work zone.

Pennsylvania’s AWZSE program, first implemented in March 2020, uses vehicle-mounted systems to detect and record motorists exceeding posted work zone speed limits by 11 mph or more using electronic speed timing devices. Work Zones that have an AWZSE system present and active will have unique signs in advance of the enforcement area, alerting drivers to the upcoming enforcement. Registered owners receive a warning letter for a first offense, a violation notice and $75 fine for a second offense, and a violation notice and $150 fine for third and subsequent offenses.

For more information, visit https://www.idriveorange.com/.

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, the Pennsylvania State Police, and Associated Pennsylvania Constructors kickoff National Work Zone Awareness Week. PA CAST PHOTO