Letter to the editor: Looking at the abortion dilemma
The abortion dilemma, “Careful what you wish for.”
I sat down one evening to crunch some numbers on having women bring these unwanted children into the world. There will be scared young women committing life changing self inflicted abortions (something we stopped 60 plus years ago). There will be “butcher shops” underground abortion clinics with no after-care for these women. You think suicides are high now, just wait!
Now for the sake of argument, I’m going to say around one million abortions are performed surgically and chemically in America (every year.) Hopefully 70% of the women will keep their babies (and I’m being very optimistic with predictions) forever changing these women’s lives, and everyone’s life in their family bubble, along with depending on “the government: to assist with the mother’s needs to raise this child.”
I’m talking about pre- and post-natal care, SNAP program for assistance, CHIP program to help nurture, possibly welfare to support the mother and child.
Now about those rejected children. They are destined to be put into some type of adoption service, at the rate of 300,000 children a year. These children in these adoption facilities are going to need nurturing, love, constant care, and cultural learning to progress these children through all facets of their lives. Now who is going to bare the brunt of these expenses, we are! You think we have a huge deficit now, just wait!
This may seem to be a win for the religious right, maybe these religious right activists should hold a second or third collection as they pass around the plate, to support these children because they created this mess! But you won’t see that happen! Then the issues with the deficit to support these children also will impact and raise our deficit tremendously. (Careful what you wish for.) Thank you for your time!
P.S. I am a Catholic born and raised, and I believe no man has the right to invade someone else’s life. (The Lord sees all), at least that is what we were taught!
William Miller
Penn Forest Twp.