Lehighton Legion holds commanders dinner
It isn’t every day that two highly-distinguished commanders make it a point to visit a respective legion to share their viewpoints.
Yet, there sat National Commander Vincent J. Troiola and Department Commander Craig A. Wilhelm, smack-dab in the American Legion Shoemaker-Haydt Post #314 in Lehighton.
Troiola and Wilhelm were indeed the featured attractions during the National Commander and Department Commanders Dinner held recently at the Legion, attended by about 90 guests.
Kevin “Spike” Long, Adjutant of American Legion post #314 in Lehighton, said the event was a wonderful experience to be a part of.
“It was a nice evening,; it’s always great to get together with Legionairres from different posts and different areas,” Long said. “We share a lot of things that are going on, how we do things, how they do things.
Long added, “It was just a good night to be out with our fellow veterans and being out for the community and letting them know the different things the legion offers.”
“It was an honor to have our national commander and the department commander. It was nice to meet to meet them, talk to them, and listen to their messages. “
Elected national commander of the nation’s largest veterans organization on Sept. 1 in Milwaukee during The American Legion’s 103rd national convention, Troiola spoke about his concerns for the veterans and those who are serving as far as housing, benefits, and suicide awareness, along with ways to improve those areas.
A life member of American Legion Post 1682 in Rockland County, New York, Troiola served in the U.S. Navy and Navy Reserves from 1969 to 1974. He completed a tour abroad the USS Nitro, an auxiliary ammunition ship with the Sixth Fleet. He was honorably discharged as a boatswain’s mate third class. Troiola is also a member of Sons of the American Legion Squadron 1682 based on the World War II service of his father.
He lives in Maine to be close to his daughter and his grandchildren, while still being within driving distance to the Department of New York.
Wilhelm talked about the Legionnaires being active within their post and be there for each other, being part of the legion, part of the team, and working together for the concerns of our veterans. He stressed that the legion is a family that has to be put together to make those things happen.
After basic and AIT training, Wilhelm was assigned to Company C, 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division, as a company clerk at Scofield barracks, Hawaii, and after serving seven months in Hawaii, the unit shipped out for Cu Chi, Vietnam.
Wilhelm served more than 10 months in Vietnam as a company clerk in an infantry company and earned several citations including the combat infantry badge, Vietnam service medal, Vietnam campaign ribbon, national defense ribbon, Good Conduct Medal, and the Army commendation medal.
For Long, the event also marked an opportunity to meet with William “Bill” Whitmoyer, who together, are veterans of 213th ASG PAARNG. Whitmoyer and Long served overseas in support of NATO operations in Bosnia.
Long encouraged any veterans interested in being a member of the legion, to feel free to contact the American Legion Post in Lehighton, or any post in their area to get involved.
“It’s a good organization,” Long said. “You get to meet a lot of your fellow veterans; it’s a good place where we help each other out.”