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Warmest Regards: Delighting in simple pleasures

One of my favorite times of the day is first thing in the morning when I open my front door.

The first thing I do is take a deep breath of fresh air in one big inhalation. As I do that deep breath, I am in tune with every element of the new day.

If you do this consciously instead of just mindlessly walking out the door you will feel and see the differences in each day.

Most of all, you will learn to better acknowledge and appreciate the gift of each new day.

I am a social person who dearly loves people. I like to talk to people, including those I know and those I call friends I’ve yet to meet.

Because I take my morning walk at the same time each day, what I call “the regulars” look for me and often stop to share a few words.

The regulars are the dog walkers and exercise enthusiasts who get out there every day, regardless of weather.

I like talking to them - but only after I do my deep breathing to consciously welcome the new day. I need my private moment with the God of Creation to thank him for his wondrous work.

I’ve been making an effort to notice and to be more thankful for all the simple pleasures that come my way.

Although I walk the same route each morning, it is always a bit different. I notice every little change such as the tiny mauve and purple wildflowers that are just sprouting.

I notice when someone adds a new plant or a new ornament to their yard.

Most of all, l notice every bit of wildlife. The bunny hiding under a tree and the small turtle slowly making its way to safe ground get my attention.

When I opened the door this morning, I laughed in delight at the six ibises in my yard. With their long legs and long, curved beaks, they are distinctive shore birds.

They no longer scatter when I go by so I was able to watch for a while as they hunted for their breakfast.

I always find it funny to watch their “follow the leader” behavior. They tend to usually hang out in groups. They might all be busy pecking at the ground but when one of the birds leaves for a new location the others immediately always follow suit.

It was funny this morning to see the one bird stay behind. Then it seemed to hurry away when it noticed the others were gone.

Sometimes I stand still in the middle of my walk to watch the activity in the osprey nest high above ground. I haven’t seen the new hatchlings yet but Mr. and Mrs. Osprey keep me entertained with their loud squawking. Sometimes they sound like a couple having a marital fight.

There is always something to see, something to appreciate on my morning walk.

I find that the more I tune into simple pleasures the happier I am.

Today’s simple pleasure was a delightful e-mail from RaeAnn, a favorite friend I always enjoy.

An e-mail from her is just like sharing an in-person conversation.

Some of my readers are also e-mail friends. Even though we’ve never met and probably never will their words of appreciation and encouragement mean a lot to me.

When I was going through my brief woe-is-me period right after the hurricane it was an e-mail from a reader that helped snap me out of it.

Did you ever notice when someone tells you that you can get through an experience because you’re strong, that encouragement does indeed, make you stronger.

Maybe every now and then we just need someone to remind us that we are strong.

Kathy wrote to say God can always turn a terrible thing into a blessing. In the aftermath of the hurricane I’m finding some ways in which that is true.

Kathy is right when she says to keep our focus on the positive.

I have a heart full of appreciation for all the loyal readers who have stayed with me through the years.

I especially like when you share what is going on in your life. That sharing creates a bond of friendship for e-mail friends.

Sometimes I smile in pleasure when I see an e-mail from someone with whom I have shared a decades long e-mail friendship.

One of my favorite simple pleasures is playing hooky from all of life and just sitting outside on the patio reading a book.

Some have to hold back from drinking alcohol too early in the day. They say, no booze before 5 p.m.

In a similar way I’ve had to give myself the rule of no reading during daytime hours because sometimes when I have a good book I won’t stop reading until I finish the book.

But I’ll sometimes give myself the simple pleasure of doing exactly that.

Of all the simple pleasures that delight me my favorite is the simple pleasure of bird watching and listening to their song. That never fails to uplift me.

What about you? Do you enjoy some simple pleasures?

I guarantee it’s a way to be even happier.

Contact Pattie Mihalik at newsgirl@comcast.net