Bowmanstown Council supports fire training facility
Bowmanstown has joined the ranks of supporting the County Emergency Service training facility.
On Tuesday, council heard from Carbon County Commissioners' Chairman Wayne Nothstein, who attended the meeting to answer any questions council may have about the proposed project. Last month, borough council tabled the request of the commissioners for a letter supporting the grant application process and the project.Nothstein reaffirmed that there are no plans for replacing the current 911 communications center in this project."This project has been in discussion with the County Firemen's Association since 2008," Nothstein said. "Since the training tower had been condemned due to deterioration in Lehighton, we have decided to move forward with the training tower portion of the facility. During discussion with the Delta Development it was learned that a greater funding opportunity exists if the entire project was applied for instead of returning year after year and complete the project in phases."Councilman Darren Thomas questioned Nothstein, "I have been reviewing the county budget over the last few years, and I do not see any funding for fire. How are we going to fund the project?"Thomas asked the size of the facility, which Nothstein said was "25 to 30 thousand square feet."Thomas asked, "How is the county prepared to fund approximately $290,000 for services to the facility; such as staffing, heating, cooling, etc.?"Nothstein said, "The county is seeking preliminary information on operational costs, and currently there is no position slated to be added for this facility. Current cleaning personnel and Emergency Management Agency staff will assist in operations of the new facility."Councilman Rob Moyer inquired, "How much will the county and the taxpayers have to expect to pay for this facility, either in matching funds or otherwise?"Nothstein said, "We are seeking support of the project in respect to the grant application. If there is no grant award, there is no project.""With the deadline for the (Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program) grant being May 15, we need to provide all of the support letters and information to Delta Development by Friday, May 8, so they can finalize the application. We are seeking support to provide with the grant application," Nothstein said.RACP is a state grant for the acquisition and construction of regional economic, cultural, civic, recreational and historical improvement projects.Councilman Norman Engle Jr. made a motion to provide a letter of support for the grant application.Council Vice President Pam Leiby provided a second.On a voice vote call by President Kara Scott, Councilman Darren Thomas was the only dissenting vote. The motion was carried.In other discussions, Moyer said, "I have complaints from some residents that live along Fireline Creek regarding flood insurance and their rising premiums. Does council know of any assistance we can offer? One resident's insurance premiums increased $250."Scott asked Nothstein if "the county knows of any help that can be afforded to the residents."Nothstein said, "This is a growing national problem, I have heard many residents' premiums being raised and we know of nothing that can be done."Engineer Jessica Rehrig said, "Flood maps are in the process of being updated; they are being done county by county. Schuylkill County was recently updated; I am not sure when Carbon is being updated."Scott said, "Palmerton Borough has offered to pay for new surveys for some homeowners that have seen increased flood insurance premiums. I know that the one survey has been completed and there was no change in the insurance costs. I am not sure if that is something we want to look into."Moyer also told council that Solt Pavilion is available for reservations through the borough office. There is no charge to residents of the borough wishing to reserve the pavilion for their use.