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Eagle Scout helps Palmerton church with playground project

The Hawk Mountain Council Eagle Committee has selected Zac Yenser as the Council level recipient of the 2023 Adams Award. He is a member of Clamtown Boy Scout Troop 755, based in New Ringgold.

Yenser’s Eagle Scout project involved the installation of a playground set at Blue Mountain Community Church in Palmerton.

Yenser began with the creation of supply and material lists, then led the church’s Elevate Youth Group in assisting with leveling the ground area and laying down landscape fabric. After the playground components were put together and set in place, mulch was spread throughout the entire play area. Yenser also helped the church fundraise for this project with a walking taco sale.

Yenser’s Boy Scout Troop was chartered in 1950, and currently has 16 active scouts, eight who have achieved Boy Scouting’s highest rank, that of Eagle Scout, and eight who on track to reach that level later this year.

Fifteen of these scouts will be attending the 2023 BSA National Jamboree at Summit Bechtel Reserve, West Virginia, in July.

The National Eagle Scout Association?established the?Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award?to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by an Eagle Scout candidate to a religious institution, school, community or other entity through completion of an Eagle Scout project.

Selection of recipients begins at the local level and is conducted through the Council NESA committee. The Council NESA committee selects a recipient for their respective Council from the list of submitted nominations and then forwards a worthy candidate to the?National Eagle Scout Association?for National Service Territory consideration.

“Territory” ESSPY recipients are selected by each Council’s territory NESA scholarship committee. Territory recipients receive $300 available for their future educational purposes or to attend a national or international Scouting event or activity.

The recipient of the national award is then selected from among territory recipients by a special selection committee of the?National Eagle Scout Association.

National recipients receive $3,500, available for their future educational purposes or to attend a national or international Scouting event or activity.

ABOVE: Zac Yenser, center, is pictured with his family, Brian Yenser, Jake Yenser and Amie Yenser. RIGHT: This playground at Blue Mountain Community Church in Palmerton was built through the efforts of Eagle Scout Zac Yenser, who helped with fundraising, planning and installation for it. The church's Elevate Youth Group helped with leveling the ground and installation of the equipment. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS