Work to repair covered bridge in Lower Tow. to commence
Repair work to the clearance bars of the covered bridge that were damaged last month by a vehicle should soon be completed.
Lower Towamensing Township Supervisor Jesse Mendez announced at Tuesday's board of supervisors meeting that the Carbon County commissioners have authorized Home Solutions Partners, Palmerton, to make the necessary repairs as specified by Carbon Engineering.Mendez said repairs to the south side include: Remove both piers and dispose; excavate, form and pour two concrete bases, one on each side of the road; and embed 6-by-6 sleeves in concrete in both piers. Using the sleeve method will allow HSP to use all of the support posts; damaged section of support posts to be removed/torched off, balance to be inserted in the 6-by-6 sleeves and Fillet welded totally; and install new clearance bars.All priming and painting of the clearance bars will be completed off site in advance of on-site work, which will enable the on-site work to be completed in two days; attach clearance sign at proper height; cleanup and haul away all construction-related debris. All permits and fees, if applicable, are the responsibility of the contractor.He said repairs to the north side include: Straightening the cross bar support arms; paint cross bars and install; touch up paint on entire north end safety bars and posts; attach clearance sign at proper height; clean up and haul away all construction-related debris. All permits and fees, if applicable, are the responsibility of the contractor.Also on Tuesday, resident Herman Bollinger again asked supervisors about the signage that exists at the intersection of Covered Bridge Road and Lower Smith Gap Road.Supervisors said they are still checking into the matter, and that no decision has yet to be made.Bollinger reiterated his concern was that they put "some sign there to get their (motorists') attention."In April, Green read a letter the township received from Ron Tirpak, of Carbon Engineering, Inc., in response to his review of the current signage at the intersection.In it, Tirpak said he doesn't believe any changes are necessary to the signage.At that time, Bollinger who for several months requested that an additional stop sign be placed near the intersection noted there have been several accidents there.Since that time, Bollinger said he's received several phone calls from people who said the intersection is dangerous.