Published March 10. 2023 11:32AM
The Tamaqua Area Golf Boosters Association 23nd Annual Golf Tournament to benefit the schools’ golf team will take place Sunday, June 4 at Mountain Valley Golf Course in Barnesville.
The four person scramble event will hold registrations at 12 p.m. with a shotgun start at 1.
There are five sponsorship levels available to support the Blue Raiders golf team:
• Diamond Raider ($475, includes a complimentary foursome and a single hole sponsorship);
• Golf foursome without ad ($400);
• Lone Raider ($105 for a single golfer);
• Blue Raider ($100, single hole sponsor);
• White Raider ($60, tee or green sponsor).
There will also be gifts collected for a raffle. The business or individual will be recognized for their donation.
Checks can be made payable to Tamaqua Area Golf Boosters, and can be given to a Tamaqua team member or mailed to Tamaqua Area Golf Boosters, c/o Mike McGinley 1436 Spring Rd, Andreas, Pa., 18211. Those interested should reply by May 20, and can call or text Mike McGinley at 570-778-1740, or email with any questions.