Carbon County student news
I hope that everyone is enjoying the Carbon County Student Column for all of our high Schools. This past week our students have been extremely busy, and some were unable to submit the news for their respective schools, but we will try to have full participation this coming week. Have a great St. Patrick’s Day everyone.
- Sue Ann Gerhard
By Isabel Wentz
Congratulations to all CCTI students, who competed in Hershey at the DECA State Competition. Another successful DECA State conference! Great job!
DECA results
Thirteen students attended; 18 medals earned; two trophies earned; one placed for nationals in a role play event.
Principles of Business Management Role play Event: Brooklynne Winger earned 3 medals.
Principles of Hospitality and Tourism Role play event: Jalin Burns earned 3 medals and Earned 5th place for nationals.
Team Events in Hospitality and Tourism Role play event: Montanna Costenbader and Kesley Mehlig earned 2 medals.
Business Service Management Role Play Event: Emily Kemmerer earned.
Entrepreneurship role play event: Breydon Hand earned 3 medals and earned a trophy for Male Model Fashion show event. Haley Kuehner earned 2 medals.
Human Resource Management: Makenna Montefour earned 2 medals.
CCTI week two of CTE Olympics is completed. Week two for Olympics was construction trades and art and human services. The winner for the A group is Culinary Arts. Deca students competed in states the week of Feb. 20. The placements will be coming up next week.
Congratulations to Tyler Fosburg on achieving his Eagle Scout Award, the highest rank in Boy Scouts on Feb. 26.
By Michael Berger and Kelly Michaels
Official spring sports practices start this week. Good luck to our baseball, softball, and track and field teams!
Our Weatherly chorus members attended the county chorus event on March 2. Great job, Wreckers!
We would also like to thank everyone who participated in the blood drive orchestrated by the American Red Cross and National Honor Society on March 1.
Our Senior AP Literature and Composition class is throwing a party for the kindergarteners to celebrate Read Across America Day. We can’t wait to meet you, little ones!
Panther Valley
By River Knoblauch and Kyle Lin
The winter sports season is reaching its closure, as the girls and boys basketball season came to a wrap on Saturday, Feb. 25. However, sophomore swimmer Gino Williams has made impressive personal progress throughout the season, and is set to compete in the District 11 Swimming Championship at Parkland High School. Several girls of the wrestling team are scheduled to compete at the Girls Regional Wrestling Tournament at Parkland High School, including Haylee Fessler, Anelia Bennick and Brenda Banks. Despite the mixed weather, the spring sports season is officially kicking up. This includes track, softball, and baseball practices which will be beginning on March 6.
The Panther Valley Junior High annually competes in the “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing,” where groups visit local manufacturers and compose videos on the interviews and facts learned at their visit. To vote for the Junior High’s submission, you can visit the Paw Prints Instagram or the Panther Valley JSHS Facebook page to find the link!
Over the last week, classrooms in the high school wing have been receiving some needed and appreciated improvements. Teachers have been temporarily relocating their classes as staff work to install new lights, ceiling tights, and fresh paint in each of the rooms.