Barbershop chorus concert Sunday
An evening of Barbershop Chorus music will be held Sunday at the Tamaqua Community Art Center, featuring three distinct groups the Coal Cracker Chorus, the Ring Leaders and the Ches-Mont Jubilaires Barbershop Chorus.
The local Coal Cracker Chorus is now making its home at the art center.Composed of 12 members, ranging in age from 16-85, the chorus has been delighting local fans for more than 60 years.Originating as the Mahanoy City Chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America (S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A.), the group has withstood the challenges of time, making adjustments as the years roll along. The society itself has also changed, now known as the National Barbershop Harmony Society.Once made up of singers from the Mahanoy City area, the chorus now includes members from throughout Schuylkill and Carbon counties.Their mission is to perpetuate the old American Institution, barbershop harmony, and to promote and encourage vocal harmony and good fellowship among their members.In 2011, the group almost came to an end, due to the lack of a director. But members forged ahead, although not presenting as many shows as they would have liked that year. The problem was solved by members who stepped up as co-directors, Rich Clemson and Leroy Sheffler.The Ring Leaders quartet formed in 2006 in the Lebanon County area with the goal of delivering Singing Valentines.The Blizzard of 2007 didn't dampen their enthusiasm. The group is composed of tenor Dean Kahl, lead tenor Mike Mann, baritone Dave Breidenstine and bass Ed Mathews.The Jubilaires have been entertaining the greater Pottstown area for more than two decades. The 18 members are dedicated to promoting good vocal and performance skills, as well as fellowship and good will.Their core values are performance, musicality, integrity and fellowship.In addition to the evening of music, patrons will also have the opportunity to enjoy dinner before the show. The meal will be catered by the M & I Deli of Tamaqua. Tickets are available for dinner and the show or for the show alone.For more information, or reservations, call Rich Clemson at 570-668-4917 or the art center at 570-668-1192. The art center is located at 125 Pine St., Tamaqua.