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Police chief search ongoing in Weissport

Weissport Borough Council is still conducting interviews for a police chief.

Councilman James Osborne said that he and councilwoman Brenda Leiby had four interviews scheduled, but conducted only one because the other three were no-shows.

Applications are still being accepted. Candidates must have their Act 120 certification and meet all necessary background checks.

The borough’s Police and Safety Committee will handle the interviews. Interested applicants can send their resumes to: Police, c/o Mayor Watson, 440 Allen St, Weissport PA 18235, or contact Weissport Borough at 610-377-5606.

Current Police Chief John Urbanski will work until March and help train his replacement. Urbanski was hired in August 2022.

In other business, council Vice President Joe Foster reported that after the Feb. 6 meeting when he took over the Borough Streets Department, he met with the three borough public works employees to discuss the future and what’s expected moving forward.

Foster created a work sheet for each employee to fill out that would include hours worked and what work was done.

“It’s main purpose is to track the hours and where the hours are being used. At the end of the year, we can see how much time was needed where; to cut the levee, to cut the grass, plow snow, whatever it might be.”