Published March 16. 2013 09:02AM
The Lehigh Carbon Community College is hosting a free tax preparation program, called VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation), every Wednesday in the lower portion of the Lisa Scheller Center (BEC) of the Tamaqua campus.
To schedule an appointment, see if you qualify, or for items you need to bring, call Schuylkill Community Action at (570) 622-1995.In addition to the Tamaqua LCCC campus, sites in Pottsville, Shenandoah, Mahanoy City and Schuylkill Haven will be available until April 15."This is a wonderful program that helps people with their taxes free of charge," said Maureen Donovan Asst. Director Workforce & Community Services.Taxpayers can also go to for more information about the program.
Assisting in the Volunteer Income Tax Preparation Program, a free tax preparation service available at the Tamaqua Campus of the Lehigh Carbon Community College, are, l-r, Michael Siluk, certified tax preparer; Teresa Vernon, site coordinator; and Judith Jackowski of Tamaqua.