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Letter to the Editor: Keep a close eye on board appointments

Dear Editor,

I’ve read some misinformation from Lansford Borough Council president.

Under the Municipal Authority’s Act, the council can set the monthly wage for appointments to said boards. Also they cannot receive excessive wages and benefits including health care and pension. But they can appoint themselves as employees but must work full-time to receive salaries and benefits.

You can remove these board members but you must take them into court to remove them. Under oath which one will state they are working full-time?

Then you can work on getting the moneys back that they received.

For example sewer authority board members were appointed by councils at $50 a month now receive $1,500 a year. There are nine board members times this raise.

One Water Authority board member gets over $15,000 a year plus a percentage into a pension for what?

Do the proper things for the taxpayers of this community take them into court to remove and straighten out this mess instead of worried about a freight station, just look at the Welsh Church it’s a blighted property.

Tommy J. Vadyak
