Local artist finds influence in Jim Thorpe area
For Tim Barnes, art is a full-time love.
“Whether I’m in front of a canvas, or in front of a piece of paper, or just working something up in my head, I’m pretty much always working on something artistic,” he said.
Barnes’ paintings are on display and for sale at Donerd’s Donuts, 76 Broadway in Jim Thorpe during February during business hours - Thursday through Tuesday, starting by 8 a.m.
Barnes grew up in the south New Jersey town of Collingswood. His love of art started at an early age.
“I started drawing when I was about 5 or 6,” Barnes said. “I taught myself oil painting when I was around 18 or 19.”
Growing up in New Jersey, across the Delaware River from Philadelphia, he had many opportunities to visit the Philadelphia Art Museum.
“I love the whole museum, honestly,” He said. “But I think the standouts for me were the Picasso section, also some Gauguins and Van Goghs, and Cezanne’s ‘Large Bathers’ happens to be a favorite as well.”
Barnes explained how he started working with oil paints.
“I had a lot of friends who were painters at the time,” he said. “I had always been interested in trying to master the art of color. Drawing is great; but, drawing is like half of the equation. Color is definitely the other half.
“I did the research because I knew oil painting is highly technical. Some colors dry at different rates. Some are more transparent, some are more opaque. So, I took a kind of scientific perspective on researching oil painting. Then I just put all that research into practice, and learned by trial and error.”
The mountains and rock formations of Jim Thorpe have been a major influence in his art. The work on display at Donerd’s are paintings he did of local areas.
“I’m always setting up with my easel, often setting up around the street around town, or even in the middle of the woods,” he said.
Barnes started coming to Jim Thorpe 14 years ago and moved to the borough permanently in 2014.
He has had several other shows in the area, including the Dimmick Memorial Library, the former Purple Green Juice Bar, and two earlier shows at Donerd’s Donuts, the site of this show.
Tim Barnes can be found on Instagram (barnestim63) and Facebook (facebook.com/tim.barnes.71), and also is on Etsy.