Published February 01. 2023 01:45PM
A train derailed Tuesday morning on Reading Blue Mountain and Northern Railroad tracks in Rush Township.
The derailment was just west of Minzer’s Hill and parallel to Route 54, which is also Pine Creek Drive.
The train cars - at least seven of them - appeared to have lost contact with the tracks near a small trestle that crosses the Pine Creek.
Crews with heavy equipment, including oversized loads and lifts, were positioned at the intersection of Marian Road and Route 54, and also along Orchard and Church roads. The tracks where the incident happened are between those two roads.
The railroad company, based in Port Clinton, did not have immediate information available.
A train derailed Tuesday morning alongside Route 54 in Rush Township. COPYRIGHT LARRY NEFF/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
A train derailed Tuesday morning on Reading, Blue Mountain and Northern Railroad tracks in Rush Township. JILL WHALEN/TIMES NEWS
Crews assembled at the bottom of Minzer's Hill alongside Route 54 in Rush Township to address a train derailment that happened on Reading Blue Mountain and Northern Railroad tracks. JILL WHALEN/TIMES NEWS