Carbon County Commissioners business
The Carbon County Commissioners acted on or discussed the following items during their weekly meeting last week.
• Approved a payment in the amount of $14,071.44 to Iron Mountain of Norcross, Georgia, for closure of the account for storage and return of 825.6 cubic feet of documents to Carbon County archives.
• Approved a contract with Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc. of Redlands, California, for maintenance of current 14 ArcGIS Online user account licenses from Feb. 21 to Feb. 20, 2024. The total cost is $6,846 and includes 500 credits per license.
• Approve an agreement with Johnson Controls Fire Protection LP of Allentown to install and configure ExacqVision on two servers for 80 cameras in the Carbon County Correctional Facility at a total cost of $14,450.
• Approve the annual maintenance agreement with Johnson Controls at the correctional facility at an annual cost of $7,640.
• Approved an agreement with WordTech Inc. of Pottstown to mail approximately 3,923 permanent voter kits for 2023 at a cost of $1,385.53, in addition to postage at a nonprofit rate of $610.57 plus $25.20 for 40 addresses not found in the postal service.
• Employment separation: Jasmine M. Melendez of Nesquehoning, corrections officer, effective Jan. 17.
• Change of status: Lily Serrano of West Hazleton, from part-time dispatcher to 911 operator, effective Jan. 23.
• Courts: Resignation of Erin C. Pannell of Nesquehoning, law clerk, court administration, effective Jan. 30; appointments of Collin T. Frost of Allentown and Stephanie L. Morris of Nesquehoning, probation officer I (pre-trial services), adult probation, both effective Jan. 30.
• Prothonotary: Change of status of Karen S. Flexer of Lehighton, from captain, sheriff’s office to clerk/PFAD coordinator, prothonotary’s office, effective Jan. 28.
• Sheriff: Appointment of Brian J. Mittura of Whitehall, deputy sheriff, effective Jan. 20; change of status of Kelly J. Sheridan of Summit Hill, from secretary I, district court; to administrative assistant, sheriff’s office, effective Jan. 23.