Published January 17. 2023 11:04PM
by Terry Ahner
Walnutport has approved a proposed stream bank stabilization project.
On a 6-0 vote, borough council on Thursday granted permission to the Lehigh Valley Sierra Club for the proposed Bertsch Creek project.
The club requested access from the borough along the Walnutport canal property for the project.
Before the vote, Matt MacConnell, co-chair/conservation chair, told council he saw the erosion on Bertsch Creek.
“It’s only gotten worse,” MacConnell said. “It’s the worst erosion I’ve ever seen (on a stream).”
MacConnell said that last year, they applied for a $10,000 grant to stabilize the bank.
He said he came before council to get permission for the project, and to initiate the permitting process.
MacConnell told council they’re working with the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission, which he said gave them a letter of support.
He said the project will not have a negative impact on the quality of the creek.
MacConnell added that they would follow state guidelines.
Borough engineer Jason Newhard said the borough originally had concerns about tree limbs, as well as getting the equipment down.
“The issue is the logistics of getting the equipment there, and getting (access) from the adjacent property owner,” Newhard said.
Council said it had no problem granting the organization permission for the project.
Council President William Turk was absent.