Published January 14. 2023 08:00AM
Lehighton Borough Council took the following action on Monday:
• Approved the retirement of an unnamed officer, effective Dec. 31, 2022, provided all appropriate paperwork is filed and all borough equipment is returned. The borough will release the name once it is finalized.
• Approved vacation carry-over requests for two employees, with a letter going to every employee midway through the year.
• Approved payment request No. 2 and No. 3 for the borough hall roof replacement. Payment No. 2 is $46,500, while payment No. 3 is $9,250.
• Appointed Systems Design Engineering Inc. as sewage enforcement officers.
• Tabled discussion on the pump station maintenance agreement.
• Agreed to advertise the fire department’s utility trailer and boat trailer on Municibid due to upgrades.
• Approved the updated 2023 borough Emergency Operation Plan and accompanying resolution.
• Announced that the parks and recreation committee is in need of more members.
- Terry Ahner