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St. John Neumann Regional School Honor Roll

Dr. Chris Heery, principal of St. John Neumann Regional School in Palmerton, has announced the students who have earned honors for the first trimester and also the winners of Neumann’s Nicest awards given to students in kindergarten through eighth grade.

Principal’s List

Grade 3: Heidi Werner

Grade 4: Nicholas Keer

Grade 6: Shane Moyer and Daniel Slowik

First Honors

Grade 3: Wyatt Morris and Jackson Amorim

Grade 4: Haydee Alvarado, McKenna Freeby, David Papay, and Amelia Tubbs

Grade 5: Logan Walck

Grade 6: Carleen Johnson

Second Honors

Grade 3: Robert Kromer, and Stella Hluschak

Grade 4: Isabel Brown, Cameron Gowin, and Kaylee Lesher, Ariella Quattrone, and Jackson Walck

Grade 5: Sophia Cornmesser, and Lily Gregory

Grade 6: Carter Tubs

Grade 7: Anna Keer

Neumann’s Nicest

Kindergarten: Cody Morris

First Grade: Silvana Penick

Second Grade: Skye Nierer

Third Grade: Stella Hluschak, and Robert Kromoer

Fourth Grade: Amelia Tubbs

Fifth Grade: Garrett Buck

Sixth Grade: Carleen Johnson, and Daniel Slowik

Seventh Grade: Baylee Eschbach

Eighth Grade: Anna Truscott