Tamaqua hunger campaign raises $16K, food for pantries
Tamaqua’s October Community Hunger Campaign, sponsored by the Tamaqua Area Faith Fellowship and the Tamaqua Area Partnership, raised $16,000.
The money was raised through donations, a soup sale, a hunger walk and a Dine Out Against Hunger Night hosted by four Tamaqua restaurants: Tommy’s Italian Specialty Shop, the Beacon Diner, the Station Restaurant and Sisters Cantina.
Eight churches participated in the community soup sale: American Primitive Methodist, Bethany ECC, Trinity UCC, St. John XXIII Roman Catholic Church, St. John’s UCC, St. John Evangelical Lutheran, Stokes Ministry, and Zion Evangelical Lutheran. One hundred thirty-three quarts of soup were sold.
Eight $25 gift certificates were raffled off to restaurants participating in the Dine Out Against Hunger Night promotion courtesy of a grant from Thrivent Financial’s Live Generously program. M & T Bank also provided funding for the campaign.
Eighty-three boxes of food were collected during the campaign from churches, businesses and individuals: Bethany ECC, Silberline, St. John’s UCC; St. John Lutheran; Little People’s Day Care; Child Development; Hidden River Credit Union; Tamaqua Area High School student council, and St. Luke’s Rehabilitation Center, Hometown.
Zion People’s Pantry at 101 North Greenwood Street and Stokes Ministry’s Community Food Pantry on 220 Green Street are 24/7 outdoor food sources.
The Friends in Need Pantry at Trinity UCC distributes food by appointment by calling 570-391-6719. American Primitive Methodist distributes food items the second Wednesday of the month from 2 to 5 p.m. and on the third Wednesday from 10 a.m. to noon and 4 to 5:30 p.m.
Tamaqua Area Faith Fellowship is a 501 3c nonprofit fellowship of lay leaders from Tamaqua area congregations that strives to promote understanding and cooperation among Tamaqua area churches and operates under the umbrella of the Tamaqua Area Community Partnership.