Published December 05. 2022 11:33AM
Ross Township held its annual Christmas tree lighting event Saturday afternoon, with Santa and Mrs. Claus arriving in a Blue Ridge Hook & Ladder fire truck. After lighting the tree, they visited with the children. From left, sisters Vanessa Zeruth, 9, Sophia Haines, 4, and Olivia Haines, 6, shared what they want for Christmas with Santa. STACI L. GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Ross Township held its annual Christmas tree lighting event Saturday afternoon, with Santa and Mrs. Claus arriving in a Blue Ridge Hook & Ladder fire truck. After lighting the tree, they visited with the children. From left, sisters Vanessa Zeruth, 9, Sophia Haines, 4, and Olivia Haines, 6, shared what they want for Christmas with Santa. Ross Township park committee members Jodie Dorney, Eric Longenbach and Lucy Longenbach decorated the outside tree, while township secretary Danielle Romano decorated the inside tree and made up a cookie tray. STACI L. GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS