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Time for U.S. citizens to meet in the middle

Whether you’re Republican or Democrat, I think we are more alike than we are different.

We all love our parents, spouses, children, families in varying degrees. We all love this country and really don’t want to live anywhere else. And we are all thankful to our ancestors who made sacrifices to come here and create a life that made each one of us possible. OK, the majority of us feel this way.

We all want to:

• Have a home where we can feel safe and secure and raise our families.

• Be able to earn a wage that provides financially for us and our families.

• Have access to health care we can afford, so that we can get the medical help we need when we need it.

• Be able to worship God in whatever theology it is we worship Him, and to allow for others to choose not to worship Him at all.

• Have peace in our homes, cities, countries and world.

• Have enough military protection to protect our country if we are ever attacked.

• Have enough food for our families.

• Have leaders that have integrity and are fair and trustworthy looking out for the best interests of this country and its citizens.

• Have safe schools and opportunity for a good education for our children.

• Have the freedom to speak and disagree with our government.

We will never agree on everything, and that is OK. We have many different talents and interests that further the accomplishments of humanity as a whole. Diversity is good.

I talked to several Republicans and Democrats at two different election result watch parties, and found they agreed that we are more similar than we are different. We are more middle ground than we are extreme, and we want legislators to work together instead of fight with each other.

I am hoping that now that Election Day has come and gone, that we can move past partisan politics. I hope that we can grasp greater unity and let go of division for better future.