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Walnutport Borough Council

Walnutport Borough Council took the following action on Thursday:

• Approved additional work for S&G on South Canal and Washington streets for $9,800. Funds will be used from the borough’s American Rescue Funds.

• Will purchase two new lawn mowers at $10,500 each, to arrive in spring.

• Agreed to advertise for a part-time secretary. Last month, council accepted the resignation of part-time secretary Debbie Paules.

• Approved a letter from F. Joseph Werner requesting a waiver of requirement for land development plan for the conversion of an existing building to proactive offices at 309 North Best Ave. There will not be any changes to the footprint of the existing building, nor changes to the existing property.

• Tabled a request from Lehigh Valley Sierra Club for the proposed Bertsch Creek project. It’s a stream bank stabilization project, and the Lehigh Valley Sierra Club requested access from the borough along the canal property.

- Terry Ahner