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Letter to the editor: Oz can’t be trusted

Mehmet Oz retains dual US–Turkey citizenship, maintains real estate holdings in Turkey, and has an endorsement deal with Turkey’s national airline. He voted in Turkey’s 2018 presidential election, which re-elected Erdogan, a dictator obsessed with power and wealth. Oz says he’ll renounce his Turkish citizenship if he wins. (Remember Trump telling us he’d release his tax returns if he won?)

Oz lived in New Jersey until he ran for Senate here. He still owns a home in Jersey, and seven other houses. The $3.1 million house he just bought near Philly came with an unusual wrinkle: the seller’s right of first refusal when Oz decides to sell. Does anyone believe Oz will live here if he loses?

Oz says he’ll crack down on illegal immigration. His family’s business, Asplundh Tree Experts, in which he’s a major stockholder, received the highest fine in U.S. history for employing undocumented workers.

Oz says he’s a compassionate guy, yet his cruel animal experiments left 330 puppies to die agonizing deaths. The university that once employed him paid a huge fine and apologized; Oz did not.

Oz says he cares about Pennsylvanians, yet he sold “miracle“ supplements to vulnerable Americans - and then admitted under oath, before the body of lawmakers he now wants to join, that they didn’t work.

Oz didn’t uphold his Hippocratic oath, how can we expect him to protect the U.S. Constitution?

If you care about the little guy - and about American democracy - vote for John Fetterman for U.S. Senate.

Steve DiMauro

Jim Thorpe