Published October 29. 2022 01:15AM
Besides sowing hate and division, what are Joe Biden’s accomplishments?
Border catastrophe with 4.8 million illegals invading the US, highest inflation in 40 years, tanking stock market, record spending creating a recession, Fentanyl epidemic with 300 deaths per day, wants to eliminate fossil fuels forcing us to buy expensive electric cars, taxpayer bailout of student loan debt, defund the police culture, broke the banks of farmers and ranchers, rape trees at the border where women’s underwear are hung as trophies after they are sexually assaulted, the harvesting of children’s organs by the cartels with their hollowed out bodies used to conceal and smuggle drugs, sex toys and gender affirmation surgeries for our kids in school, educators telling students pedophiles should be called minor-attracted persons, allowing China to buy land near our US military bases, depleting our strategic oil reserves to suppress gas prices, the Afghanistan debacle, equity over equality, emboldened our enemies, food too expensive to buy, highest gas prices in history, buying oil from dictators, $0 cash bail crime wave, a military so depleted from Ukraine it is ill-equipped to win a war, politicized the FBI (whistle blowers told investigative journalist John Solomon they were aware of the faux insurrection for weeks and failed to act), weaponized the DOJ, hired 87,000 armed IRS
agents, killed the Keystone Pipeline, abortion up to 9 months, more COVID deaths than under Trump, closed schools during the pandemic setting children back decades in math and reading.
If we don’t secure our border, we won’t have a country. 98 suspected terrorists were apprehended this year alone. For every 4 Americans born here, 3 migrants are coming across the southern border and we know nothing about them. Vote Republican in November to stop the madness.
Wanda Dietz
Franklin Township.