Letter to the Editor: Sources to back up Wild’s advertisements
I’m writing in response to a letter that claimed Congresswoman Susan Wild’s advertisements about Lisa Scheller are lies.
They are not lies. Lisa Scheller did offshore American jobs to China. I’ve put together publicly available online sources to back up this statement.
Here are the facts:
When Lisa Scheller took over Silberline in 1998, the company had 360 American employees (https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/loans/silberline-manufacturing-co-inc-4282158300). In 2021, Silberline had 142 American employees (https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/loans/silberline-manufacturing-co-inc-4282158300). That means there are less than half the American jobs today at Silberline than there were when Lisa took over.
Even if every single Lansford employee was offered a job at the Tamaqua plant, that cannot explain why her USA workforce fell by so much.
Lisa Scheller closed her Lansford factory in 2016 (https://www.tnonline.com/20210414/lansford-to-buy-site-for-garage/) and her Decatur, Indiana factory in
2019 (https://www.insideindianabusiness.com/articles/silberline-closing-decatur-facility). She hasn’t opened any new factories in the USA since.
Instead, she’s opened factories in China. She will be opening her third factory in China at the start of 2023 (https://www.theceomagazine.com/executive-interviews/manufacturing/michael-lowe/).
Why isn’t Lisa Scheller opening factories in the USA and not in China?
Susan Wild’s ads cite sources backed up with facts. The letter claiming these ads are lies cited 0 facts to back up its claims.
In the PA7 Republican primary, Kevin Dellicker made Lisa Scheller’s outsourcing practices a huge part of his campaign. Neither Kevin nor Susan are lying: The unfortunate but undeniable truth of the matter is that Lisa Scheller cut jobs in the USA, and shipped them overseas to open new factories in China.
Citizens of Carbon County deserve to know all the facts about Lisa Scheller’s creating jobs in China instead of the USA.
Congresswoman Susan Wild, recently appointed Chair of the House Ethics Committee deserves our vote for Representative of PA’s 7th Congressional District.
Sarina Berlow
President, Palmerton Area Democratic Club