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Police: Mailbox pried open at Lehighton post office

Lehighton Police Department is investigating an incident in which a drop box was pried open Sunday morning at the US Post Office in the borough.

The police department said the incident occurred at 7:30 a.m. at the post office located at 118 North St., when USPS employees discovered that a freestanding, outdoor USPS drop box was damaged and open.

It is unknown what or how many pieces of mail were removed.

Another drop box had pry markings but was not opened.

Borough police officer Gabe Szozda is the investigating officer.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Lehighton Police Department at 610-377-4003.

The police department advise citizens to monitor their accounts if they mailed checks in recent days at the post office.

Similar incidents have shown that criminals will wash a stolen check and fraudulently cased the checks for a different amount.