Franklin Township Supervisors
Franklin Township supervisors took the following action on Tuesday:
• Approved request to waive the requirement (section of Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance) for a landscaping plan needed at the Franklin Heights Complex LLC Land Development Plans. A planter exists in the front of the two-story brick building. Upon approval a waiver request needs to be added onto the Land Development Plan.
• Granted conditional approval to the Franklin Heights Complex LLC Land Development Plans based on meeting the criteria/comments from Carbon Engineering and approval of the stormwater plans.
• Announced that the township received its second round of ARCO funding in the amount of $219,448, and has until 2026 to spend the money.
• Announced the receipt of a grant of more than $41,000 in conjunction with Lehighton borough and Mahoning Township, to be split among the three municipalities to update their zoning and Subdivision and Land Development Ordinances.
• Ended Jared Green’s probation period as a full-time police officer. Supervisor Robin Cressley said that Green has “done a great job so far.”
• Extended Brian Miller’s probation period as a full-time police officer, retroactive from Aug. 28.
• Accepted the Police Pension Minimum Municipal Obligation for 2023 in the amount of $54,842.
• Accepted the Non-Uniformed Pension Plan Minimum Municipal Obligation for 2023 in the amount of $73,655.
• Tabled the zoning updated ordinance and set a hearing date.
• Tabled the SALDO updated ordinance.
• Approved board Chairman Fred Kemmerer to attend the PSATS Northeast Regional Forum on Thursday in Tannersville at a cost of $99 for members.
• Approved the letter of request from the Palmerton borough to have the township’s fire police assist with traffic controls for the VALOR Charity Motorcycle Ride on Oct. 8, as well as the Bo Tkach Turkey Trot on Nov. 24.
• Approved the declaration of disaster emergency to extend the previous declaration.
• Announced that an electronic recycling event will be from 9-11 a.m. Oct. 1 for township residents only.
• Announced there will be a change in garbage collection for the Columbus Day holiday on Monday, Oct. 10. Pickup is changed to Tuesday, Oct. 11.
• Approved a request from Lehighton borough for the township fire police to assist with traffic control for its Halloween parade at 4 p.m. Oct. 15. Rain date is 2 p.m. Oct. 16.
• Scheduled Trick-or-Treat night from 6-8 p.m. Oct. 26.
- Terry Ahner