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Groups donate backpacks for elementary students

Forty filled backpacks were delivered Thursday morning to Pleasant Valley Elementary School courtesy of the Pocono Mountain HOG (Harley Owners Group) Chapter and the Latin America Motor Association - Poconos.

The groups have raised money before for Valor and other veterans’ groups, cancer patients and scholarships, but this was a first for backpacks.

Joan Bumbulsky, a teacher at PVE, came up with the backpack fundraiser idea. She said she sees children come to school on the first day with new backpacks and they are so proud and excited to be there. Then there are the children who come in with older backpacks that are visibly worn, and they don’t have that same excitement as the others.

“It’s a self-esteem thing,” she said. “I want to give them the self-esteem, give them something new.”

The fundraiser began before the last school year ended. Bumbulsky said they began collecting money and school supplies on May 5 at the Lakeside Restaurant in Saylorsburg during Bike Night every Thursday evening. In all, they collected enough to purchase and fill 250 backpacks with pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils, highlighters, folders, glue and notebooks.

One of the helpers to fill those backpacks was PVHS junior Cecilia Cordova. She has been volunteering as part of her community service hours for the National Honor Society.

“It feels really good to me to help the younger kids,” she said. “I don’t like not seeing them have stuff for school.”

All six elementary schools in Monroe County received deliveries of the pink, blue, gray and black backpacks this week.

“I enjoy doing stuff like this,” said Juanita Koestler, one of the members who helped with the fundraiser. “It feels good to give back to society.”

PVE Principal Roger Pomposello said, “I’m super appreciative. There are so many families suffering out there. … You guys are awesome for doing this.”

Students in need will be able to pick up a backpack on Tuesday when the school is open for kindergarten orientation in the morning and from noon to 2 p.m. for Find Your Classroom.

Above: Members of the Pocono Mountain HOG (Harley Owners Group) Chapter and the Latin America Motor Association – Poconos get ready to take in 40 backpacks to Pleasant Valley Elementary School on Thursday. They raised funds and supplies to fill a total of 250 backpacks for all of the elementary schools in Monroe County.
Members of the Pocono Mountain HOG (Harley Owners Group) Chapter and the Latin America Motor Association - Poconos carry in 40 backpacks to Pleasant Valley Elementary School on Thursday. They raised funds and supplies to fill a total of 250 backpacks for all of the elementary schools in Monroe County. KRISTINE PORTER/TIMES NEWS
Members of the Pocono Mountain HOG (Harley Owners Group) Chapter and the Latin America Motor Association – Poconos carry in 40 backpacks to Pleasant Valley Elementary School on Thursday. They raised funds and supplies to fill a total of 250 backpacks for all of the elementary schools in Monroe County. KRISTINE PORTER/TIMES NEWS
Members of the Pocono Mountain HOG (Harley Owners Group) Chapter and the Latin America Motor Association – Poconos delivered their donation of 40 backpacks to Pleasant Valley Elementary School on Thursday. On the left of the trailer, the members, from left to right, are Jesse Hoffman, Mark Bumbulsky Chris Gehm and Joan Bumbulsky. To the right of the trailer, the members in the front row are Juanita Koestler, Hilary Davis, Cecilia Cordova and Lalena Cordova. In the back row, they are Dale Lifer, Andrew Perrine, Karl Proko and Cliff Stanmetas. KRISTINE PORTER/TIMES NEWS